A Visit to the Ex-Laws

The ex-laws, Gruff Patriarch and his wife, Wilting Violet, live in a provincial little farm town about an hour away from my home. I called earlier this evening and WV told me it was ok to come over.
I parked behind their house, and oddly enough, WV was waiting for me at the back door. It took me a minute to realize that she was trying to prevent any contact between me and the Evil Stepsons, who were visiting for the weekend. She charged out the back door the minute I drove up and escorted me to the garage.
As we walked over together, she surprised me by putting her arm around me and telling me she missed me. Then she brought tears to my eyes by telling me she loved me.
While I was there, I decided I'd better retrieve the rest of the crap I'd hidden there. I showed her what I was taking, and then sent her inside because it was about 30 degrees outside.
While I was outside trying to figure out how to fit my enormous pile of crap into the nazimobile, I got another surprise - WV had sent Evil Stepson #1, Surly Brat, outside to help me. I assured him I didn't need any help, and he immediately headed back toward the house.
Then came the biggest shocker of all - he stopped momentarily and asked me how I was doing. For some reason, this sent me over the edge. My voice cracked when I said I was fine and asked him the same question. 'OK,' he grunted, and shot back into the house.
I cried for half an hour after I left there. Every time I think I've plumbed the depths of my grief, I find the well has grown deeper.
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