Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

GP and I have definitely had our differences since he and his wife, Wilting Violet, boycotted the wedding on religious grounds. I've probably only spoken with him five times since then, and the conversations haven't been that pleasant.
But GP has been unfailingly polite and helpful both times I've spoken to him about DH's hospital bill. When we talked today, he seemed suprised that DH hadn't paid the bill in full, because he told GP he would 'take care of it.'
I'm thinking he doesn't know his own son all that well, because DH rarely does what he says he will, and almost never takes care of anything.
Ultimately, I didn't have the stones to ask for what I really wanted - for GP to pay the bill himself. It's an unfair request - GP isn't any more responsible for the bill than I am, and my rationalization that he can afford it isn't all that convincing, even to me.
But I need to get this taken care of, and not just because of the money. It's the last thread that ties me to DH, and I want it snipped. But I'm starting to think that GP has no more influence over DH than I do, which surprises me. When I first met DH, his family manipulated him like a marionette. While I'm glad he's finally stopped caring what they think, he picked a hell of a time to do it.
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