The World's Shortest Marriage

I was married for about five minutes to a guy disguised as the Man of my Dreams. However, Dear Husband had a Secret Life. Watch in horror as I deal with the fallout of the World's Shortest Marriage.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm In Love With a Robot

The Roomba has arrived.

I ordered my robot vacuum cleaner during my recent buying binge, and couldn't be more pleased. My hatred of vacuuming may be a remnant from my long-ago stint as a maid at the Lake Arrowhead Hilton (motto: Don't Touch the Bedspread) and as a housecleaner, when I vacuumed more in two years than most people do in a lifetime. Or maybe it's just because I'm lazy.

I have a few problems with the Roomba, none of which have anything to do with the machine itself. The biggest problem is Cosmo - he declared it his sworn enemy before I even turned it on. Whenever I start it up, he becomes even more neurotic than usual and attacks the Roomba with ineffectual little bites to its flank.

The second problem is a lack of accessories - I need another robot to pick up the clothes on my bedroom floor.

But all in all, it was money very well spent. If they would only invent a robot that writes websites, I'll be all set.


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