It's Go Time!

It turns out that DH hasn't paid a single dime toward the $500+ hospital bill he incurred last summer after the calcium deposits in his brain leached down to his kidneys and formed a stone. The debt has now been sent to a collection agency, and as the person who actually has the insurance, guess who's going to debtor's prison? That's right. Moi.
Although I can't possibly repay DH all the grief he's given me, I'm certainly willing to try. I've already begun to slake my thirst for revenge. It's amazing what one incredibly pissed-off woman can accomplish in one afternoon with an internet connection, a phone, and a wallet full of credit cards with ridiculously high limits.
I used to feel sorry for First Wife because she was so bogged down with anger toward DH. But the impossible has happened - I now understand where FW is coming from. My old zenlike desire to replace my rage at DH with loving forgiveness now seems a little quaint.
Anyway, it's hard to feel serene when you have flames shooting out of your head. I suppose I'll start working on my spiritual life again soon. But right now, I have, um, things to do. The less you know about it the better.
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