Seven Years of Bad Luck

Although the collection agency that was pursuing Dear Husband's delinquent hospital bill promised to remove the ding from my credit report once the bill was paid off, that was apparently a lie they told just to get me off the phone - a strategy they may have learned from DH.
When I spoke to them today, they told me I should have paid the bill myself in January if I wanted to avoid a negative credit report. I'm especially furious because three months ago I was telling myself the same thing, but decided not to out of spite. And because I didn't have the money. And because I wasn't going to let him get off the hook that easily.
So now DH's visit to the emergency room is going to haunt my credit report until 2013. I'm learning this on the same day that I'm writing a check for a tax bill that almost made my eyes roll permanently back into my head. Apparently having your taxes withheld as married all year and then filing as single isn't the best tax strategy.
All of this comes as I was contemplating the most unexpected development ever - my friend B offered to look into the possibility forming a partnership to buy a duplex or triplex here in LA.
I'm not going to give up, but today my financial outlook and the possibility of homeownership are both looking pretty grim. Whenever I think that DH has taken everything from me that there is to take, another dream sprouts wings and flies away. Thanks, buddy. Thanks for everything.
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