The Ides of March

Obviously, the significance of the date isn't lost on me. I had always hoped that Dear Husband and I would share a kind of loyalty unsurpassed in my life so far. I never really saw the point of marriage unless it created a partnership that valued the welfare of both individuals above all else.
The kind of loyalty that would, say, preclude activities like advertising on the internet for sex with men and women and then lying about it repeatedly when caught red-handed.
Oh well, as my Beloved Mother always says, my expectations have always been too high. Actually, BM was my first and best teacher about not expecting too much. I just wasn't a very good student.
I should have known better. In the darkest recesses of my heart, I knew that DH wasn't capable of the kind of partnership I wanted and needed. But I ignored the little voice in my head that tried to warn me. I was hopeful. And what is marriage but the ultimate expression of hope?
Et tu, DH?
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