Ahh, Sweet Freedom

He told me this in an email, and in the next paragraph announced that he would be coming over this afternoon to pick up the stuff that I've been holding for ransom. As my brother would say, he's not asking, he's telling.
I guess he was expecting me to clap like a seal and hand over his stuff. But after being jerked around for the past eight months, I think he might have to wait a while. Maybe forever.
Interestingly, he paid the bill yesterday, the same day our divorce was final. I don't think he knows about the divorce date, since he's been unable to drag his ass to the post office anytime since last July to have his mail forwarded. (Note to identity thieves - now that I'm no longer responsible for DH's debts, his ludicrous pre-approved credit card offers will be waiting on top of the mailbox for anyone who wants them)
What all of this means is that I'm finally free of DH forever. It's about time. I need to move on. I need to start seeing this as a learning experience - an expensive, humiliating, extraordinarily painful learning experience.
Fly and be free, DH. I know I will.
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