The World's Shortest Marriage

I was married for about five minutes to a guy disguised as the Man of my Dreams. However, Dear Husband had a Secret Life. Watch in horror as I deal with the fallout of the World's Shortest Marriage.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander

Dear Husband is a little bit peeved.

I strung him along for a couple of days and ignored a few emails before telling him that no, he can't pick up any stuff because I no longer have anything that belongs to him.

I wasn't sure how he'd react. He didn't show up at my door with a loaded gun, which wouldn't have been out of character for him. Instead, he fired off a few emails that were rife with misspellings.

The first suggested that I wanted to keep his stuff out of a perverse desire to keep him in my life. The second one complained about my posting (anonymous) details about him on the internet - this from a man who has nekkid pictures of himself and comments about smoking pot on his myspace page. He also guessed that we probably wouldn't be exchanging Christmas cards this year - a line that was sort of funny the first time he used it but has gotten a little tired.

The third email was either designed to prod me into further dialogue or hit me where I live, or both. It did neither. DH said he hopes I find peace and happiness someday.

What he doesn't know is that I already have. I feel a lot more peaceful and a lot happier knowing that he's out of my life forever. Sometimes all it takes is a little something - say, not having to nag an eternal teenager every day to keep his promises - to achieve nirvana.


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