Voting for Change

Better late than never. I had to cast a provisional ballot because I went to the wrong polling place. I went to the Gay and Lesbian Center on McCadden, where I voted in the last election, instead of the Gay and Lesbian Center on Schrader, which is apparently my new polling place. That's right, Dorothy, we're not in Kansas any more.
(The poll worker I spoke with apparently is from Kansas, or at least doesn't live in my neighborhood. He was simply amazed that all of the voters today were Democrats)
Dear Husband was on my mind tonight as I cast my ballot. The last time I was inside the Gay and Lesbian Center was when we voted there together in June.
DH was raised Republican and changed his party affiliation just a couple of years ago. I like to think that it was because he's got a brain in his head, but it may have had something to do with my ceaseless nagging over the past five years. Or maybe all that subliminal whispering I did while he was sleeping. 'Walk toward the light! Walk toward the light!'
Anyway, he was finally on the less-corrupt side, and we went to the polls together just over a month before our marriage unraveled for good. Actually we've gone together during every election for the past couple of years, even when we were on opposite sides of the political fence. It gave us a chance to catch up when our time together was scarce.
So I went alone tonight for the first time in years. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't think I can take much more of the status quo, both in Washington and at home. It's time for a change.
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