
It's hard to find my place in the world right now.
It took months for the realization that I was married to sink in - every morning I woke up a little startled that I was legally bound to another person. In retrospect, I guess I should have expected this - after 37 years of thinking of myself in a certain way, I was making a big adjustment.
My sense of being married was fleeting - it took months to take hold, and was gone in the blink of an eye. I stopped feeling married the moment I discovered Dear Husband's Secret Life.
Now, in just as short a time, I'm struggling just as mightily with the idea that I'm getting divorced. The word divorcee summons up certain connotations for me - sort of a 1970s Me Generation association. It's not pleasant.
I ran into an acquaintance today that I hadn't seen for about a month. It seems like just yesterday that we were talking about my wedding. When she asked me about DH, I told her he was doing just fine. I didn't mention the separation or divorce. I didn't want to see the look of horror and curiousity on her face. I didn't want to see the reaction I imagined her having - that she, recently married herself, would think that I was contagious.
I don't want to be a divorcee. I want to reclaim my magical former title - single. It never bothered me the way it does some women. For now, as I wait for my divorce to come through, I'm none of these things - not single, not married, not even a loathsome divorcee. I feel like I'm in limbo.
I'm with you.
Just hang in there, it does get better, believe me I've been down that road before. It's not pleasant at the time, but time will heal you. You have to believe in yourself and keep your chin up, and know that the divorce is NOT your fault!!!!
May God pour out his Blessings on you as you go through this time in your life.
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